Digital Marketing & Web Consulting
I have been working in digital marketing and website development for more than 25 years. In that time, I have found that many businesses approach their web presence by employing expensive and time-consuming tools and methodologies, often wasting resources trying to imitate organizations fundamentally different from their own. I've watched companies obsess over pageviews while their conversion rates plummet, or track dozens of metrics without moving the needle on sales. I believe that the modern focus on analytics in marketing is often a form of process addiction which drains both motivation, purpose, and money from a business with little to no return on the investment.
Instead, I advocate a focus on bottom-line digital strategy. While tracking select metrics remains valuable, I want to help you find where your business appropriately intersects with the digital landscape. Rather than drown clients in numbers, I seek to find the few that matter and spend most of our time and energy on moving them rather than counting them.
In my career, I have originated global campaigns, worked with stakeholders on high-profile web properties, and managed several small teams to success. I also have experience as a storyteller, voice-over artist, and video producer. I enjoy working with other people to create new and entertaining things - be they ad campaigns, products, or experiences.
Please review my services below to understand some of the ways I might be helpful to your organization, or just reach out directly via phone or email.